Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Oggi è Pasqua.Buona Pasqua a tutti.Son qui a casa by myself..mia nonna dorme..i miei son in Toscana,ricevo buone notizie dagli USA,da amici che mi telefonano appena usciti da una festa di quelle che nn ti scordi.E' veramente difficile restare qua...non posso negare di avere un po' di ansia.Meno male che ci sono gli amici!Ciao a tutti!Teo
Monday, April 10, 2006
Sono preoccupato.Come tutte le volte che ritorno a casa dagli USA mi sento spaesato.Non vedo l'ora di tornare al di la dell'oceano...mi fa piacere rivedere gli amici,la famiglia.Per questo sono contento.Ma null'altro.Credo che una delle prossime volte che mi ritrovero' su un aereo per 9-10 ore,bhè sara' per un bel po'. Vedremo.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Back home.....now i have to think about what i wanna do for real.I can't make any mistake anymore....going to the States fo studying would be a dream...but you gotta think about these things hen your mind is not busy...we'll see!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
I feel sad.i feel fuckin sad.The guys are sleeping and i'm here on matteo's computer trying not to sleep...i'll go to Taco Bell later,which is open till 3 am,just to spend time.I don't wanna sleep.Tomorrow's gonna be my last day here in the States.Time is so fuckin fast when you have fun,while you're havin a good time.Going back to Italy scares me because this is my place.I'll be happy to see my family,my friends.....sunday night movies...la vineria...varese...andermatt.But it'll be hard.I know that i'll get used to normal life in a month or so...hope less cuz it hurts,it hurts deep inside.
You know,here we ain't got any mountain where i can ski,or big bouldering areas where i can climb,the ocean where i can surf.Well actually these things are just a few hours drive away.But i have friends here,i have parties,i have interesting classes where i can go.I'd definitely enjoy studying here.And plus...i like so much to speak english.There are some things bad in america...food is not that good,but you can cook it yourself,soem things are really expensive...some not.
Hope to live in S.Francisco one day...and i hope some one of my buddies will join me.
Take care bros...see you soon.